Tuesday 21 July 2015

Rest Calm [Nightwish]

I arrived in Münster on Friday arvo, and managed to find a hotel. As it was about 32°, I hid inside until I needed to find food.

On Saturday I went for a wander in the Aldstat. Some lovely buildings!

This church had an interesting looking spire thing

Did there used to be a door here? Why is it
covered over? I love mysteries!

Wow - the style of houses is incredible
You won't find a street like this at home!

Another beautiful church
The clock has gold hands!

The sheer detail...

A manor, I assume

 A round room in the church, I think

Marc O'Polo!

On Sunday I went to the swimming pool - first time I've swum in ages! To get there and back I walked through a covered canopy promenade. So beautiful.

The bike road down the middle

Serene canopy

Pedestrians on the sides

Münster is too much of a city for me, so I left on Monday. Off to new places!

Sunday 19 July 2015

Carried Above The Sun [Damnations Day]

After all the excitement of Rockharz, I headed to Thale for some quiet time. A lovely little town, and obsessed with witches. There are so many beautiful wood carvings and other things there.

Fill the horn!

I went back to the Hexentanzplatz, and went through the witch's house.

I'm not sure insurance will cover that

It was a bit disorienting in here

A hat for every day of the week...

...and a broom for every occasion!

Such a wise face!

Who is that devilish witch?!?

Making lots of friends

Faces everywhere!

Poor moggy

I also went to the Tierpark - the animal park.



Boar! Well, a piglet

Red fox!
I think this guy wanted pats. He was adorable!


Deer! That refused to look at me...

I had another go on the Harzbob, and went up the chairlift again. So much fun!

Getting dragged back to the top

So serene...


I went to the post office to send a package back to Australia. The ladies there didn't speak English, and were very patient as they helped me and explained how it worked to me. Thank you!

I also went on a high ropes course - agony, but fun! Passers by were amused at my compete lack of grace (I was stuck nearly in splits a few times) and my constant singing while climbing.

Helmets were optional - I went without

So many courses!

Just gorgeous
Thale is beautiful, and I would love to go back there.

Saturday 18 July 2015

We Are The Others [Delain]

Last Wednesday, Mum and I left Quedlinburg to head to Ballenstedt for Rockharz. After some issues getting into my accommodation, we found some other festival goers and I walked with them while Mum went back to Quedlinburg. It was about three kilometres to the festival, and there were cars stuck in a traffic jam pretty much the whole way - as well as a couple of kilometres of traffic jam along another road to the festival! I stayed at the campsite for a few hours, chatting to people, before walking back.

Thursday was the first day of the festival, and with Alestorm playing, I got to wear my wench outfit! I had an absolute ball, right on the fence, screaming along to every song. Chris Bowes told me afterwards that he saw and thought it was freaky that I knew all the words. :P

It turns out short skirts and windy
days aren't fun...

It was pretty damn cold, so I bought a jacket - they sold out of most of them by about 5pm on the first day! European summer is weird.

So warm!

I made a couple of friends, and watched their recommended bands. Good decision, too! Adding more bands to my list to check out when I get home.

Today was my Delain day. I was on the fence again. They did a couple I knew, a few I didn't, but finished with We Are The Others, and I screamed my lungs out. Took me a while to recover. :P Charlotte's energy on stage was incredible, and her joy infectious. It was amazing.
More clothes, but still cold
I made another friend, hung out at the campsite, and saw another recommended band. It's well worth listening to other metalheads. Today I also found the Napalm Records stall!

It was wonderful to physically buy the CDs

Free magazine?! Yes, please!
Now to learn German to read it...
Today I spent most of my time at the camping ground, talking to people, walking around, and listening to the music others had playing. I learned a German drinking game, and a medieval knife game. One of my new friends took me up on a hill and we had a spectacular view of the festival ground and the camping ground. The camping ground was absolutely packed. Walking around the camping ground was fun, it still amazes me how many people speak English, and how well they speak it. I tried to understand the German, but only get one or two words. Still, more time for practise!
On Sunday I left Ballenstedt and headed for Thale. Some recovering time is needed! Overall, Rockharz was amazing, and I preferred it to Graspop Metal Meeting. A festival with only two stages, where you can see every band if you want to, and where nearly everyone is German! The Germans are a lovely people. I'm glad I'm spending most of my time in Germany!

Thursday 16 July 2015

Night Witches [Sabaton]

Alright, lots of catching up to do, so I'll do a couple of posts.

I left Munich last Sunday, after having a couple of lazy days to recover. It was a full day's travel to get to Quedlinburg, but I managed. As it was about 7pm on a Sunday when I got to my accommodation, there was nowhere open selling food. So I had two beers and a sundae instead. :P
The heavens opened up while I was drinking outside the pub, and everyone ran inside so quickly. Half an hour later, it was clear.

On Monday I met Mum off the train, and we had a look around Quedlinburg for the next couple of days. Here come the photos.

A typical street
We saw lots of houses with writing on them


Just beautiful

Saint Roland

Fachwerk (half-timbered)

Hee hee!

13th century? Wow...

I have an obsession with ivy growing on buildings

So much detail

Leading up to the castle

From the castle

So many red rooves!

My obsession with ivy continues...

I liked this beer

Before I left for Ballenstedt, we went to Thale for a few hours.

Looking at the view

Beautiful mountains

Heading up the mountain

Looking back at the town

Bobsled thing


Dancing with the Devil

A... demon thing?

A well endowed hexe...


The view of the village from the mountain
Lovely rocks


Hexen everywhere!

I love the wood carvings
Chairlift photos time!

The way up

This was her face the whole time

Looking down

I don't know what this hole is, but I wanted to explore!

I think my selfie are getting better

The way down

After Thale we headed to Ballenstedt for me to go to Rockharz!